Habtamu's Fab World 2013

fablab addis



This is what I tried to practice detaching the File from the background on sticker(not copper) using masking tape

Here it comes the electronics production. To do so first I went to the fab module and downloaded the FabISP then it needs to to be fabricated but unfortunatly our modella machine doesn't work because of technical failure so our option is to use the vinyl cutter but still we couldn't make it because I think the file is too small. We decreased the pen force but when we try to detach the file from the background using masking tape it gave us a bad result.Time to fabricate the FabISP using chemical etching then we did it.


We used Ferric Chloride for the etching. Here, I want to mention I got some continuity problem in one of the lines but I fixed it by attaching a piece of copper on it.

electronics electronics


Trying on the vinyl cutter

The next step was to pick the necessary components from the electronics kit according to the FabISP. I almost got every component except 18pF so I am forced to use 10pF in the place of C4 18pF and C2 18pF on the diagram.Then I mounted all the components.

electronics electronics


mounting the components

Now I left with programming the FabISP so I brought AVR then connected with the circuit and my computer then I used AVR studio 4 to program.


Copyright © 2013 habtamu. g